
Culture Interrupted is a film documentary about the changing climate affecting the culture of cannabis in northern California (and the world). When corporate entities claim stake and immature policies pave, the results are damaging, proven by the same reason we continue to live out unnecessary challenges as greed and arrogance supersede the full appreciation of a culture thriving.
A repeat of the conquistador, or overseer, aiming to control that which it does not value as integral. Preservation of roots, to protect that which truly serves/nurtures a given organism.
In this case the cannabis culture, pre-prop 64, is important to the current transformation of the industry. Moving from illegal to legal has ignited a stream of scenarios that could make or brake the future in securing our human birthright to commune with nature. Space maintained for active legacy cannabis culture-bodies and to have their voices in participation is imperative now more than ever.
#PreserveVibrantCultures #SolveToDissolveSystemsThatDoNotServe #PreserveYourBirthrightToNaturalMedicine #KnowYourMedicine #ExerciseYourBirthrightToCommuneWithNature #LetYourDollarsBeYourVoice #StopBuyingWaste #VoteWithYourDollars #BuyLocalFirst #ShareWithYourNeighbor #WeShouldSmoke #420 #CraftOften